
My background

My name is Ascher Levy, a psychologist in practice since 1990. For most of my career, I worked at the Cook County Juvenile Court Clinic where I evaluated youth arrested for crimes and provided Judges and probation officers with detailed information about their backgrounds and treatment/service needs to help them desist from such behavior. In this work, I discovered that at least thirty-five percent of these youths had prior diagnoses of ADHD. In most cases, the children and their parents received minimal or no explanation about their condition and the medication used to treat it such that few followed through with consistent treatment. Additionally, almost none of these youth received complementary treatment services to address the parenting challenges or executive functioning and social skills deficits that are typically present with ADHD which ultimately led to their court involvement. 

Because of this experience, when I retired from the court, I decided to create ADDvantage Coaching. My goal is to provide comprehensive services to help youth with ADHD attain their highest possible level of adjustment, whether or not their family chooses to use medication.   

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